Raising Spring Chickens

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Raising Spring Chickens

Raising Spring Chickens

Raising chickens for backyard, free-range eggs is a fun and rewarding experience for the whole family. Not only do you get to enjoy fresh eggs every day, but you also get the added benefit of having a backyard pet that is easy to care for. In this article, I will share my experience raising chickens and provide tips on how to get started.

I live in McDonough, and I have been raising backyard chickens for the past four years. To get started, you need to decide how you will house your chickens when they are fully grown. Whether that is building your own coop from the ground up, converting a shed, or purchasing one from a local store. I highly recommend building your own or doing a conversion of a shed or small building.

The internet is full of inspired ideas you can pull from. A good coop should be well-ventilated and have a secure door to keep predators out. Chickens also need a secure, fenced area to roam during the day, known as a run. This will give them the opportunity to forage for bugs and grass, which is a natural and healthy diet for them.

The next step is researching the breeds you want and where to buy them. My favorite place to buy baby chicks from is Swint’s Feed & Garden Supply store in Jonesboro. Swint’s has a wide selection of breeds to choose from. Then comes setting up the brooder box for the chicks. They need a small space with chick starter feed, water, and a heat lamp. They must be kept at a warm temperature until they feather all the way out. At about six weeks of age, they can be moved into their larger coop. It takes an average of six months for chickens to lay their first eggs. They will be kept on chick starter feed until closer to six months of age, and then you switch them onto a layers feed. One of my favorite things is feeding them all the scraps from my kitchen. They are omnivorous, so they can eat almost anything.

Overall, chickens are very easy to take care of and maintain. With the amazing reward of fresh eggs daily! But be warned, “Chicken Math” is a real phenomenon that has you adding to your flock beyond what you originally planned. Therefore, I recommend starting with six to eight chicks. Trust me, you will fall in love and want to add more!

By Ruth Hildreth