Before he was born, 17-year-old Mekhi Floyd faced life-threatening challenges. His mom, Altovise Floyd, became concerned about a month before her due date, having noticed limited movement by Mekhi. Seeking medical care, it was determined that she would need to have her baby boy right away and so labor was induced. Mere hours after his...
Author: We Are Henry (We Are Henry Editorial)
50 Years of Serving Henry County
Sure, being a firefighter involves risking your life to help others in the event of an emergency, but it’s also about finding your second family. “Hanging out at the kitchen table with the crew is the most comfortable place in the world,” explains Billy Petite, current assistant chief of EMS operations with the Henry County...
The Beauty of Wood
Chris Bradley sees wood differently from the average person. “I’ve always loved the artistry of the natural product that wood is, and the entirety of its lifespan – from a tiny little seed into a full tree, into processed lumber, into furniture or houses, after which the wood can then be reprocessed again and turned...
Creating Leaders
Students from Strong Rock Christian School got the opportunity to attend Student Leadership University where these young minds experienced leadership training from exceptional leaders. “It teaches kids how to be leaders. They learned what it means to be a leader and think critically,” says Dr. Jay Sanders, Strong Rock teacher, chaperone, and parent to one...
SCULPTmed Aesthetics
SCULPTmed Aesthetics is a growing addition to Eagles Landing OB/GYN where the women of Henry County and the surrounding community can receive the latest in non-surgical treatments for toning the body as well as pelvic floor treatments. “As gynecologists we understand women experience changes due to pregnancy, menopause, aging and weight fluctuations,” explains Shobha Rao,...
Felice Anniversario
Pasta Max Café Celebrates 30 Years Doug Zitz and his family have been providing outstanding Italian food to the people of Henry County since 1994. The restaurant has operated in three different locations over the years, but they have been in McDonough, just off the square, for the past 15 years. While other businesses and...
A Season of Hope
Spring brings a sense of vibrancy and newness as temperatures rise, flowers bloom, and (of course) pollen drapes everything. For Christians, spring brings a reminder that our daily hope in every season is anchored, not in a refreshed natural landscape, but in Jesus Christ who makes believers a new creation through faith in Him. ...
How to Keep Your Athlete Safe from the Cold
In cold weather, bodies lose heat faster than they can produce it, which can lead to serious health problems like hypothermia or frostbite. Child and teen athletes who participate in or attend cold-weather sports may be at risk for these and other cold-related illnesses or injuries. “While anyone practicing or competing in cold temperatures is...
What is the story?
As an eye doctor, daily I educate my patients on rods and cones. Both are photoreceptors present in the retina, but cones are the ones that allow us to distinguish colors. Cones are a little slower, as they have more detail to process from different wavelengths. Cones are also the main photoreceptors of our central...
Connecting Henry excited for growth and [positive] change
Heading into its 28th anniversary in 2024, Connecting Henry is “readjusting and refocusing” to allow for new opportunities to support the Henry County community. Connecting Henry has undergone some recent changes, including becoming the Health and Human Services Department for the City of McDonough and moving to a new address, 162 Keys Ferry Street in...